Sunday, March 15, 2009

I am allegedly missing

Thanks to the management prowress of Stephanie, I made sure to include ALLEGEDLY to the claim that I am missing.

Bert says he left me in Canada or on a plane. What a wanker. The maid put me in the pocket of his laptop bag. I've been hanging out in there.

Someone went out and bought TWO beanies to replace me tho. God. Like I need more ass-hats (ha) to deal with. Blue Beanie gives me enough trouble. Now I've got Red Beanie and Vampire Hat to deal with also. Vampire Hat has been pretty quiet so far. I think it's freaked. Or hibernating. Not sure what his problem is. But Red Beanie... creepy. May have to rename him Satan Hat. He just sits and stares at me...silent. It's really unnerving.

Well, between Mummy Clare, Patty the dog, the maid and me... we'll get this situation sorted out.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry too much Beanie, Rob loves'll always be his fav.
