Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bert's best advice to me: Don't be an asshat

I started to write a blog post about what changes have happened in our little closet since I got on Twitter and a wikipedia entry mentioned me somewhere.  But as I read what I wrote, I realized I sounded like a true asshat.  So forget that rubbish.  I'm not Joaquin Phoenix, ferchrissakes. I'm just a hat.

The update on Vodka Shirt:  He's fine. Was a little pissed about soaking overnight, but he got over it.  God, so many people were freaking on me, thinking I killed him!  I did not kill him.  I saved his life.  He's my best mate and I am not sure I could exist without him. Truly.

Last night we kept it mellow by drinking a half gallon of rhum with some Bendryl shots and played the guitar.  Bert and I do a smashing rendition of "Space Oddity".  Vodka Shirt will shatter your heart when he glubbers his way thru "Someone Saved My Life Tonight".   Nike Shoes are so foul... they sing nothing but Tom Jones songs in an attempt to get us to throw Underwear and Boxer Shorts at them all the time. Disgusting.

And now the real fun. More drink recipes inspired by Bert!  

The Casting Couch
3 oz whiskey
3 oz tequila
1/2 wait!   1/4 Valium

Stupid Shiny Volvo Owner
20 oz angry grizzly bear blood (fresh)
30 oz mountain lion blood (fresh)
1 fragile human's virtue

The TomStu  (for Uncle Tom)
4 oz vodka
1 oz triple sec
1/2 dissolved Mr Clean Magic Eraser
a dash of NyQuil

And Vodka Shirt came up with this one. Enjoy....and RIP:
The Vodka Shirt
8 oz vodka
10 oz vodka
16 oz vodka
911 on your speed dial



  1. BWAHAHA!! Thanks for the update! That's sum funnyazz shizzoh! Luv, Only1Emari

  2. I love the Vodka Shirt, will have to try that one.

  3. What a strange person(beanie). This is very funny stuff. Maybe Rob's Beanie does need a book deal. Write a good fiction.
